November. The anniversary of my circle around the sun. The Gregorian calendar year is coming to a close. I reflect on my life and refine my vision of days to come...
...following my heart, listening to my inner wisdom, honoring the Earth and all she provides, loving my family, connecting to Spirit, feeling Joy, offering gratitude...
...and a prayer that I might continue to see through the eyes of a child, in awe and wonder, marvel at the magnificence of the trees, the mountains, or a soaring eagle,
and experience the joy of loving myself so my cup overflows and uplifts others.
In the U.S.A., we are reminded each year to give thanks at this time. My query is consistent. Does anyone remember why we celebrate Thanksgiving? What are we giving thanks for? Who came before us that we are following? The traditional First Grader's story of course comes to mind, Native Indians and Pilgrims sitting around a long wooden table adorned with colorful corn potatoes, and a roasted turkey (not). I am more inspired by the women who embarked on long journeys across oceans or Midwest plains with their families, providing food, shelter, and comfort while enduring what we consider now to be unimaginable living conditions and hardships. I am reminded that our current "freedoms" in this country did not come without the sacrifice of many native peoples and European settlers alike.
This Thanksgiving, take the time to recognize all that you have in your life. Keep it simple. Consume only what you need. Be kind to yourself. Honor your body temple. Appreciate family and friends who gather around your table, without having to overindulge, compensate, or bargain. Consider eating lighter, juicing, or even fasting to balance these energies and to acknowledge our ancestors who surely did not have the “super-size” feast we have grown into. Bountiful does not mean “more than enough”.
For both the colonists and the Algonquin tribes, the November Full Moon was
the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of
warm winter furs. Native peoples
revered beavers as a Great Spirit animal and they held big medicine. They were
the builders of their own life. Something we all strive to be.
This is a time to prepare for the calm and quiet of the
impending winter, to bring all things to a point of rest. Finish up on the
projects of the summer and fall. This is the last moon of action for the year. Join the Thank-FULL Moon Celebration Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 6 pm EST.
There is something primal, raw, and powerful about standing
in the mouth of the 3rd largest navigable river on earth that puts “all that
is” in perspective.
One small human in the broad riverscape, I felt diminutive,
and found it difficult to comprehend this place where the Southern Indian Ocean
tides feed the mouth of Millewa “Big Water”.
I stood on the salt-water soaked sand, realizing she had
just been there lapping against the dunes. Looking out toward where she had
retreated and marveling at her strength and beauty, I felt trepidation growing
inside me. There was nothing between me and her spare a narrow sand bar with a pod
of playful Australian sea lions and a sand-dredger. Though I knew the tide was out, I did not
know for how long and the only exit behind me was the sluice of land that
funneled her mighty, salty fluid into the river.
Taking all this in, I stood mesmerized, thrilled to explore
the mix of sensations: danger, fear, awe, vastness, smallness. I was giddy with
the sheer joy of being witness, no, being
in the raw energy of untamed creation!
Surrounded by black swans, grey teal ducks, two Red-necked avocets, an Eastern reef egret, Australian white Ibis, a pair of Red-capped plovers, a sooty oystercatcher, Pacific black ducks, and silver gulls so at ease in their element, I took comfort in their lead.
My camera clicked and buzzed, attempting to record the
moment. I wanted to memorize her sound and the feel of her vibration in my
limbs as she pounded against the shoreline.
My feet began to sink deeper into the sand, getting wetter with each step and I recognized it was time to bid farewell. I thanked her for allowing me to be part of her
…and for bestowing her gifts upon me.
Once home in the U.S., the intensity of my Millewa
experience lingered and urged me to learn more about this sacred place. I
quickly realized that some of what I was feeling was the energies of an ancient
Aboriginal culture dating back 40,000 years! More than 3000 of the Ngarrindjeri
people ("the people who belong to this land") had lived at the mouth
of the river, gathering fish and working the land.
In the 1990’s, a huge controversy erupted over the building
of the bridge from Goolwa to the island.
Hindmarsh Island, on which I stood, was regarded by the Ngarrindjeri
as a fertility site, as its shape and that of the surrounding wetlands
resembled female reproductive anatomy when viewed from the air. Their name for
the island, Kumarangk, was similar to the word for pregnancy, or woman and was
used for sacred rituals.
They also believed that the waters of the Goolwa channel
required uninterrupted views of the sky, particularly the Seven Sisters
constellation, which features in several aboriginal dreaming stories.
Wow! Yes, the red dot is where I stood!!! No wonder…
I love
Summertime Blues! Fluffy white cumulus clouds dot a brilliant blue sky (or not),
berries are ripening on the vines and shrubs as I patiently await their
luscious sweetness.
To top it all
off, this particular July of 2015 brings us a rare Blue Moon chance to focus on
what we love about our lives
once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity for me to travel to Australia!
So, from the
Ever wonder
why nature provides dark blue fruit precisely at this time of year? The anthocyanins
in blueberries, chokeberries, and elderberries contain specific properties for
rebuilding the body’s tissues and restoring the immune system. Mmmm. It’s a
lesson in sharing with our feathered friends who already are intuitively aware
of the medicinal value of each berry! Refer to links for more information.
Precise times of full moon in Syracuse,
NY: 6:42 AM; South
Australia: 8:12 PM
This full
moon in Aquarius presents an opportunity “for radical re-assessment of who we
are as individuals and how we relate our talents back into the world.” Elizabeth Peru
There are
SIX planets in “retrograde” to assist us in slowing down and becoming
introspective, including Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Uranus, and Venus. Each
of them presents unique aspects of ourselves to be addressed and re-evaluated
in the coming weeks and months.
”One of the
most special aspects of this moon is that we won’t have another blue moon month
until 2018. For many of us, we will be receiving our last bits of a long
awaited wake-up call that actually began back in 2012, far before most of us
were aware of the changes that were developing. We are being asked to notice
where in our lives we have been neglecting the truth, or what situations we
have been putting off. This moon isn’t
only encouraging it, it is making it a requirement.” Kate Rose
The Thunder
Moon comes with a streak of fierce independence, combining Sun in Leo trine
Pallas Athene in Sagittarius. Do something you promised yourself you’d do long
ago and never did. Have an adventure. Strike out on your own. Do it your way.
Use your intuition to tune into the needs of the tribe, then lead them to new
ways. Don’t let the opinions of others stop you, but balance this with
consideration of the group.” Jamie Kahl
The energy
of the Blue Moon lends itself nicely for setting goals and intentions that are
big, important and lofty. Choose the life area that seem the most significant.
1. Love and Happiness: Gems - amethyst,
jade, rose quartz;
Gather the
chosen "tools", write down the goals or intentions and find a quiet
spot, preferably out in nature under the light of the full moon. By sitting
quietly, meditating and thinking about the goals, energy is drawn down from the
Blue Moon and into the desired goals. The paper with the written-down goals can
be either burned, shredded, or even kept until they are manifested.
mentally cast a bubble around you and the space you're in. This is a protective
bubble that will keep only good energy moving in and out. Say that - that the
bubble is a protective one. Light a candle.
ask that your guides/angels/animal spirits/you-fill-in-the-blank be with you.
Thank them for joining you, for protecting you, and for adding their energy.
Thirdly, ask
the Universe/God/Goddess/You-fill-in-the-blank to hear you and to take your
words and desires and manifest them physically. Describe in detail your
thank the Universe/God and your guide/angel for hearing you. Offer a
token of thanks and blow out your candle, thus closing the circle and ending
the ritual.
Part of this
beautiful Blue Moon energy is about traveling to new places, and my stars and
planets have aligned at this time and space-place to provide me a flight to the
land “down under”. Join me in celebrating the Thunder Blue Moon on July 31,
2015 via Facebook group!
P.S. I’ll be sure
to photograph plenty of kangaroo adventures for next month’s post. Cheerio!
This first
full moon of July, 2015 (yes there are two this month) will set the tone for
the entire month, if not more!
Dubbed the Full “Buck”
Moon in the Farmer’s
Almanac, her light will illuminate those things that are interfering with
our spiritual advancements. Once we become “enlightened”, the easier it is “to
let go”. The full moon ritual is for releasing or purging the things in our
lives that no longer serve us.
Capricorn Full Moon occurs on July 1st at 7:19pm PDT/ 10:19pm EDT and on July
2nd at 2:19 am GMT.
What I find
awesome is that on the eve of the full moon, select planetary dignitaries will
join with our moon in celebration, and in strengthening our emotions as well as
our power to design amazing intentions! Now is the time to dream BIG as Jupiter aligns with Venus to accompany the moon tonight!
So, don your magical cape and set some intentions! Here are some ideas to get you started:
Once in a
month when the moon is full, Some secret
place shall ye gather…
together around a campfire or candle. Have paper and pencil for each guest to
write their intention. Feast on “round” foods, libations optional!
- Lunar
Stones: moonstone, selenite, pearl, mother of pearl, sapphire
- draw the
symbol for the Moon on your candles
1. Invocation
“Moon, sister moon
Shining so high
Smile down upon me
Full face in the sky.
Moon, sister moon
With your silver glow
Whisper your secrets
Tell me what you know.
2. Purification: Pass basket and paper. Each participant can write something
negative in their life they would like to rid themselves of (i.e. fear,
bad habit, etc.). Collect, read, and throw into the fire.
3. Song: Heal the Mother
There’s a grief that’s deep within my soul
I’m letting it out, I’m letting it go
A torrent of tears running into the sea
I’m letting it out, I’m letting it go.
Heal the Mother, let is all out
Heal your Mother, let it all go.
There’s a rage that boils within my veins
I’m letting it out, I’m letting it go
Volcano blows, and the lave flows
I’m letting it out, I’m letting it go.
There’s a fear that trembles deep within
I’m letting it out, I’m letting it go
Earthquakes moving everything around
I’m letting it out, I’m letting it go.
4. Healing: Send out healing energies - go around the circle.
Anoint each participant with “Moon Water”.
5. Libation:
Hail Earth, Mother of All!
May your fields increase and flourish.
Your forests grow and spread,
And you waters run pure and free.
Accept this offering, O Earth Mother!
Bring forth that which is good and sustaining for every living thing.
Astrological Insights:
“Between the
first full moon on July 1st and the second full moon on July 31st we are going
to feel the pull of desire on our hearts in a breathless and very passionate
way. We are going to be drawn to those that excite our soul and make us feel
alive. We are going to crave only those relationships which honor our authentic
truth, and we will find ourselves seeking out those opportunities that pull the
strongest on our heart strings.
This moon is
going to light the fire in our sacral chakra and move us towards passionate
endeavors. Whether it’s investing time in a worthwhile project, or spending hot
nights under the moon with our lover—we are going to be filled with passion for
our lives.
planetary alignments and this full moon are throwing kerosene on what has
already been smoldering…” And it’s all about to finally explode and light up
our life in a big way—now all we need to do is enjoy the show.”
“During a
Full Moon phase, it highlights the emotional level as well as any habits or
tendencies which are overgrown and creating problems. Old emotions or emotional
pain may surface for your awareness and so you create a better understanding.
The Sun in
the sign of Cancer, which suggests the need for emotional bonding and the Moon
in Capricorn suggests the need for attending to responsibilities and the
professional world. You need to strike a balance between the two opposites so
that there is greater harmony and flow.
Boundaries, rules, tradition (Capricorn) / receptivity, emotional
security and nourishment (Cancer) are a part of the Capricorn/Cancer axis in
The Full
Moon in Capricorn brings the message of:
patience, organic and Divine Timing to all things. Transforming
impatience into lasting acceptance that life knows what to bring into your
world. There is beautiful blueprint and organization. Trust the process. Your
job is to nurture and support where you feel wobbly or doubtful. Being outdoors in Nature helps restore
balance within. So spend some time in Nature when possible.”
“This Cancer/Capricorn
Full Moon is all about Home. It occurs in the signs that relate to Mother and
Father, Home and Country, the emotional body and our outer purpose or dharma.
So it is a very personal Full Moon, relating to who we are at our core and how
we hold ourselves in the world because of that.
Cancer is
the Archetypal Mother, the waters of Earth which gave rise to Life. There is a
fertility and strength to Cancer, which not only births but feeds Life. But
Cancer's waters are polluted and dying. How can we let this happen? Who will
change things if not us? Earth and women need to take the lead now. We are the
birthers, we are the nurturers. While men have these capacities, it is
important for women to consciously connect with our ancient powers of life. We
were given them for a reason, don't you think?
The Warrior
planet Mars is close to the Cancer Sun, sparking us to grapple with these
If we are
people of integrity, we can create a governing structure of integrity.
The Moon is
in Capricorn, the sign of the Archetypal Father and at its best, the sign of
that integrity I am speaking of.
We need a
feminine vision of life to take precedence if we want to 'birth' something new.
It is the Divine Feminine, very active once again in women, who can help us
create a new world.
Capricorn Moon is conjunct Pluto, telling us it's now or never.
Unless we
remember the bigger cosmic story, our personal story will be missing some
important insights.
Both the Sun
and Mars in Cancer will be opposing Pluto in Capricorn this month. This is all
about transforming our consciousness (Sun) and our desire nature (Mars). What
good is a world if nobody you love is in it?
What is it about “nature” that intimidates people so? The
responses from clients when asked “What do you like to do outside?” seem to be
sadly typical of the general working populace: “There is no nature where I work/live/am.” “It’s too
hot/cold/windy/rainy out there.” “I don’t have time to be just staring at some
birds.” “My knee/hip/back/pain limits my activity.”
In my recent visit to Branson, Missouri, I encountered the
typical navigational challenges while making my way down the too-narrow main
street filled with vehicles jostling for position, their passengers looking and
pointing at the myriad eateries and attractions, as tourists do.
I quickly realized that my heart was not in the tourist
game, especially on a warm and humid day in June. I managed to go with the flow
of traffic toward what seemed like the edge of the city only to find a shopping
mall, a parking garage, a train station, and a Bass Pro Shop. My hands were
gripping the steering wheel, my shoulders were tight, and I felt my blood
pressure rising. Breathing deeply, I focused on the road beyond the crowded
crosswalk. I saw water! Sure enough, nestled on the southeast side of the city
was a parking lot right on the White River!
Rock cliffs rose up on the eastern side of the river, two
bridges traversed the moderate expanse and a small RV park was underneath the one
closest to my right. I sighed deeply as I relaxed into the surroundings, feeling
much less tense. My car positioned at the water’s edge, I pulled out organic
veggies and hummus from the cooler and settled in to enjoy a riverside repast.
Visitors came and went in the parking lot, a traveling
family also came to dine, a tram tour made its turnaround, boaters cruised up
and down the river,
a duck boat tour squawked a narrative as it passed by and soon
a fisherman waded into the water to my left, startling the blue heron that had
been sentry near the shore.
Swallows flitted and chased, pigeons sat on the
overhead wires, and a father mallard was coaching his brood in the art (and
science to be sure) of swimming.
Three times the sky darkened and light rain fell, causing a
beautiful mist to rise off the water, swallowing the heron.
Canada geese glided by undeterred, and I marveled at the beauty
of raindrops as they hit the water.
I gave silent thanks to the city, town, county, state, and
national parks and the caretakers of the grounds, plants, and trees that adorn
our waterways, village streets, and parking lots with nature attractants. They are not recognized enough for providing healing places for humans to be. All we have to do is expand our awareness to see and experience the calming influence of the natural world surrounding us.
Wow! Have you looked out there lately? Nature has really let loose! Don't you wonder how she reinvents herself every year? Plants, animals, and trees adapt to the environment, the weather, human interference, pollution, and a score of other hurdles thrown at them. Yet, there they are, without complaint, happy to be alive. This delicate, 3-inch beauty's name is Goldthread.
Many thanks to the Karboski's for joining in our woodland "Fiddlehead Tour". We all learned a lot and made new friends in the process. Our first-ever Jack-in-the Pulpit was spotted by Judy!
Many other new friends have been sighted in these past two summer-like weeks of May. Bellwort, Starflower, and Indian Cucumber Root to name a few.
Wild Sarsaparilla is everywhere, the Pink Lady made a quick appearance, and the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail has returned to flit among the flowers.
For all who missed the amazing "Frenzy of the Fiddelheads" uncurling into their magnificence as full-grown ferns, albeit not very large in some cases, here are some photos of the phenomenon.
The grounds and trails are open at Holistic Horizons Fiddlehead Grove Retreat and Healing Center from Dawn to Dusk. No appointment needed. Come explore!