The universal shake-up continues as we move from the Equinox
Super-New Moon Total Solar Eclipse into a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse! The
time between this new moon and Saturday’s full moon is an intense period. “The
door on your new life has opened. Now you walk through. Action is required:
Keep following your soul’s instructions.” –Elizabeth Peru
Although the moon will set here in eastern North America
prior to totality, we will have a glimpse of the partial coverage of the moon
before it sets at 6:45 am EST.
More info:
Watch the eclipse live here beginning at 6:00 am EST:
How can we use this time effectively and purposefully? Eclipses
are opportunities for major transformation; this is a time when the energies of
the lunations are more amplified and focused.
Our power seeds have been
planted (New Moon of March 20, 2015),
now we must give them nourishment.
Eclipse Meditation Ritual
You will need:
a white candle
purified or spring water
small pieces of paper and pen
Some helpful symbols:
- use white or silver candles and altar cloths
- Lunar Goddesses: Isis, Artemis, Diana, Hecate, Kwan Yin
- Lunar Herbs: mugwort, camphor, sandalwood
-Lunar Metal: silver
- Lunar Stones: moonstone, selenite, pearl, mother of pearl,
- draw the symbol for the Moon on your candles
(Hecate Goddess of
the Full Moon)
I am Goddess of three
I am mistress of the
I am the richness of
the Earth.
I am the Moon and the
I am all that was and
is and ever shall be.
Nor has any mortal
ever seen that which lies beyond my veil
for I am indeed
mistress of mysteries and the keeper of the keys.
I am Queen of all
living things, for I Am Goddess of Nature.
I smile and the
radiance of the Moon is everywhere.
Gather in secret if
you must,
but do not tarry too
long behind closed doors,
for it is in the
richness of the earth and the boundlessness
of the sky that my
true temple is to be found;
And the Moon, and sun
and stars will keep your secrets.
I am all these things
and more.
Hear my words my
children and worship and be glad.
Look for me within
these things but above all,
within your own soul,
for it is there I am.
I have been with you
in the beginning
and I shall be with
you at the end.
I am the womb of new
as yet unimagined and
1. Take a ritual bath (add hyssop and lavender if
you have it, salt if you do not) and visualize yourself releasing any blocks
and fears, and affirm that you are ready to take yourself to the next level,
and face the truth with an open heart and mind.
2. Sit in front of your altar, and do some basic
grounding and rhythmic breathing. (You can ground by imagining your spine
growing roots that grow down into the earth, and with each inhale, breathe in
the energy from the core of the Earth... with each exhale, release anything you
need to release, i.e. fears, doubt, sadness, apathy, etc. The earth can turn
almost anything into fertilizer, so transform your "negatives" into
something you can use!)
3. Pour the salt into the water, and clear yourself
with it by lightly sprinkling yourself and anointing yourself with it.
4. Light your candle. Meditate on the symbolism of
the flame; that fire transforms and illuminates. Stare into the flame for a
while, and ask for clarity and truth during this eclipse cycle. Give yourself
permission to release any and all thought forms that no longer serve your
highest good.
5. Ask yourself:
What area of my life needs some new
ideas and a fresh perspective?
How can
I break through restrictive "safe" constructs, to be fully alive?
these down on a small piece of paper.
6. Next, write down what keeps you from achieving
the goals you are after.
Say: "All
energy is neutral. I now release and transform this energy into an energy
source that can be utilized
for the highest good for all concerned.”
7. Burn the paper, focusing on the transformation
of the energy.
8. When you feel like you're clear, thank the
Deities, energies, spirits, guides, and angels, you've worked with, and bury
the ashes in the earth.
I Am A Powerful Woman
More info:
“We are headed towards a potentially radical and liberating
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4th, 2015. Things may be up in
the air, sudden reversals or project alterations are possible. This is the strong impetus for purge and
transformation.” Dipali:
“So this month stay awake, have faith, be brave and face
death. A new birth is upon us…a
collective yearning for something better to arise in our world…” Cathy Pagano
This Lunar Eclipse/ Full Moon in Libra brings the focus to
our relationships and the dynamics in our relationships, for relationships are
the looking-glass through which we can see ourselves…
What are we needing to see within the dynamics being
Where does balance need to be restored?
Benjamin Bernstein says of the lunar eclipse on 4/4 (14°24′
“This “Full Moon on steroids” is great for evaluating and
making adjustments in the areas of relationship and creativity, and whose
impact will resonate potently for many months. This eclipse’s strength is
further augmented because it tightly aligns with the Uranus-Pluto square,
indicating that revolutionary transformation is greenlighted in all areas of
life affected by the eclipse.